Price Change History & Forecast
$26,255.22+ within 0.5 to 5 mos.
Price Lock-In Eligibility
- Awning to main entrance with wooden stairs
- Bathroom fixtures and furniture
- Ceramic tiles in wet rooms
- Concrete foundation
- Exterior finishing
- Gutter system with downpipes
- Heat recovery ventilation unit Vallox 110 MV
- Interior and exterior doors, door moldings and links
- Laminate flooring and baseboards in living areas
- Outdoor water tap
- Plasterboard or interior timber cladding
- Recessed lighting
- Security system cabling
- Steel roofing and snow guards
- Switchboard, Electrical and data cables
- Switches and sockets
- Triple glazed PVC windows
- Ventilation ducts
- Water floor heating and thermostats
- Water plumbing, manifold, meter
- Window sills and flashings
Area SQFT1033.34