Price Change History & Forecast
$56,089.28+ within 0.5 to 5 mos.
Price Lock-In Eligibility
Embrace outdoor living with the Connect Four T—a modern prefab home ideal for narrow urban lots or narrow oceanfront lots. This two-story home features open-concept communal living, and a downstairs guest bathroom ideal for entertaining. Head upstairs to a spacious primary bedroom and en suite bathroom, with one additional second-floor bedroom and bath. For those looking to start a family, convert the extra bedroom from guest room to a child’s room. Need more space? Upgrade to a wrap-around deck to double the size of the footprint.
Floor Area: 1280 SQ FT
Dimensions: 40’ x 16’
Bedrooms: 2
Bathrooms: 3
Stories: 2
Area SQFT1280