Price Change History & Forecast
$65,548.80+ within 0.5 to 5 mos.
Price Lock-In Eligibility
There’s no compromising on living space with Elevate’s largest family-friendly architecturally designed transportable home. With 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and 2 separate living areas the Elevate 148 has a fabulous floor plan that caters for easy family living and those who love entertaining.
At 148m2 this airy, well-appointed design has all the features you’ve come to expect of a smart, savvy Elevate home. The open plan living and dining area boasts a 5.5m wide stacker door and panoramic picture window providing all-important indoor/ outdoor flow. The higher ceilings and door heights also add to the spacious feel of the interior spaces. Commercial grade laminate flooring throughout with premium performance carpet in the bedrooms adds warmth and elegance and the enviable ensuite and bathroom are fitted with quality European and New Zealand made bathroom ware.
As with any Elevate building model layout and room configuration can be modified to cater for a variety of lifestyles and requirements.
Area SQFT1593.07