Price Change History & Forecast
$3,186.13+ within 0.5 to 5 mos.
Price Lock-In Eligibility
The Pulpet 30.2 attefall house is one of our best-selling attefall houses. The house with a tasteful combination of modern architecture, large windows and straight lines. It is not our narrowest model and not our widest, not the one with the biggest and most windows, but not the one with the least. It is the perfect house in between. The character and appearance of the house fits into most residential neighborhoods. In addition to this, the house is one of our most flexible with a floor plan for all needs! A smart and flexible floor plan where there is room for a bedroom on the ground floor but without compromising on accessibility requirements. The loft measures about 8.5 m² which gives you great interior design possibilities with room for both a double bed and extra storage.
Area SQFT322.81