Price Change History & Forecast
$3,247.03+ within 0.5 to 5 mos.
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Pulpet Panorama PP3 is one of our latest additions to the 30 sqm family of accessory buildings (Bolundare).
Here, our architects and designers have gone a little further and created a trendy and modern "Bolundare". The house has a lovely volume with lovely light through several panoramic windows.
Pulpet Panorama PP3 is available in several floor plan options where you can choose the function of your house. Floor plan 1 has a staircase up to a middle floor with full standing height and clothing storage, directly to the right is the cozy sleeping loft. Otherwise, the house is extremely well arranged with an open floor plan, a spacious bathroom where both the washing machine and dryer can be integrated in a space under the stairs. We also offer floor plans with separate bedrooms, sauna and guest house with separate entrances to two bedrooms and a shared toilet.
With this architect-designed "Bolundare" you can create your own oasis regardless of use, location or function.
Area SQFT322.92