Price Change History & Forecast
$1,561.00+ within 0.5 to 5 mos.
Price Lock-In Eligibility
- 6'6" Walls with 2x4 Construction on 16”centers
- 7/16 OSB Sheathing and Roof Decking
- Asphalt Roll Roof Covering and 4.5” Galvalume Flashing
- 2-Tone Custom Color Paint Available on All Installed Sheds, Free of Charge (kits do not come painted)
- 8” Hardie Lap Siding
- Pine Trim Boards
- 4x4 Pine Transom Window Frame (with glass)
- Hardie Soffit Board
- 1’ Front Overhang
- Steel EZ Brackets on 42” Shed Door (mimics siding)
- Stone and skid foundation
Area SQFT48 - 168