Price Change History & Forecast
$18,112.50+ within 0.5 to 5 mos.
Price Lock-In Eligibility
When the site or human vision craves a hybrid of circular and rectangular shapes, the Elmwood Series is the perfect choice. Impeccable blend of practical and beautiful, this series has it all.
Elmwood Series
- Elwood 3750 - 3s
- Elmwood 3050 - 2s
- Elmwood 2850 - 2s
- Elmwood 2400 - 2s
- Elmwood 2300 - 2s
- Elmwood 2000
- Elmwood 1750
- Elmwood 1200
Area SQFT1200 - 3738
Rooms2 - 5
Bathrooms2 - 3