Price Change History & Forecast
$16,330.40+ within 0.5 to 5 mos.
Price Lock-In Eligibility
The main materials that are used in making this house are highest grade CLT (Cross Laminated Timber), high performance insulation and Firestone roof membrane. The house perfectly suits as holiday home or a residential dwelling in any climate. Even the tiniest joints are sealed to reduce cold air circulation leaving it to recuperators to exchange air inside. The concept is based on idea of a well designed, functional, modern house.
- The outer dimensions: 20.5 ft x 13 ft x 13 ft (length/width/height)
- Inner dimensions:18.86 ft x 11.5 ft x 9 ft
- Total inside area: 216 sqf
- Total outside area: 270 sqf
Area SQFT216