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$8,919.00+ within 0.5 to 5 mos.
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The 30ft Nomad is the longest version in the Nomad series. It has the same durability and toughness as the 24ft, 28ft and 30ft 5th wheel, but offers extra space inside. The layout is compact but optimized, still bringing a warm and cozy vibe. This model is also great for short term stays and short term rental, but it is also suitable as a getaway home for families with the sofa-bed in the living area, which was not the case with the shorter version of the Nomad. The exterior look is far from any other travel trailers; the two different types of steel siding combined together really give personality to this unique design. You can pull this 4 seasons travel trailer easily with a ¾ ton truck. Like our other Nomad models, this one can also be equipped with off-grid features (solar, tanks, etc) that will work any time of the year, no matter the temperature.
Area SQFT255