Price Change History & Forecast
$70,958.70+ within 0.5 to 5 mos.
Price Lock-In Eligibility
Nooks come with high-quality designer fittings, surfaces and finishes as part of our standard offering. Preference is given to New Zealand products — when possible — and to brands with a proven track record of quality and longevity.
- Abodo Vulcan shiplap cladding
- Full height joinery throughout
- Square-stopped interior
- Double glazed joinery
- Full height internal doors
- Designer kitchen with acrylic paneling
- Designer kitchen island with storage, a dishdrawer & waterfall benchtops
- Fisher & Paykel kitchen appliances
- Tiled walk in showers with recessed shower shelves and LED lighting
- Tiled bathroom flooring
- Recessed downlights
- Cavalier Bremworth carpet
- Engineered oak flooring
- Caesarstone kitchen benchtops
- Fully tiled bathrooms
- Integrated fridge
- Internal gutter with a parapet
Area SQFT1184.03 - 1399.31
Rooms3 - 4