Price Change History & Forecast
$21,496.68+ within 0.5 to 5 mos.
Price Lock-In Eligibility
- 400 sq. ft. with a 117 sq. ft. loft
- Lots of windows for natural light
- 10 ft. ceilings
- Great R-Values, R24 in walls, R28 in ceiling and R28-R31 in floors
- Full size master closet
- Quartz countertops
- Custom built slow close cabinets from Newcastle Cabinets
- Electric heating and A/C system
- Conveniently comes certified as an A277, Z240-MH or Z241 home.
- Fireplace with custom mantle surround
- Includes electrical circuit for a hot tub
- Integrated front patio
- Structural timber entry features
- Full steel cladding
- Largest living area
Area SQFT400