Price Change History & Forecast
$15,876.00+ within 0.5 to 5 mos.
Price Lock-In Eligibility
Dwelly Prefabs are high performance, low maintenance, resource efficient auxiliary dwellings engineered to resist high winds, torrential rains, heavy snow loads, earthquakes and wildfires.
Each Dwelly is handcrafted in Maple Ridge British Columbia by Canadian & European artisans for your thermal and spatial comfort.
Dwelly Prefabs are CSA A277 Modular Homes which exceed BC building codes, are designed to be placed on permanent foundations and eligible for municipal build permits and real property mortgage or line of credit financing.
If you are considering a Laneway Home, Garden Cottage, Granny Flat, Rental Cabin; an Auxiliary Dwelling of any kind then the Dwelly could be just what you are looking for!
Area SQFT440