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$20,923.50+ within 0.5 to 5 mos.
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Rustic ranch wood siding used for ceilings and exterior is coupled with a gabled roof system and timber frame structure to give this unit a classic mountain cabin look with a modern, airy feel. With the added loft area, this model provides the an ample amount of sleeping space for up to 6 people and even more if you get creative.
Solid surface counter tops paired with high grade ⅝” cabinetry and soft close doors and all the necessary hardware, fixtures, and appliances make the space feel luxurious yet convenient. The bathroom maximizes space and efficiency with a European style glass shower, tile, high end fixtures, and a closet large enough to house an optional combo washer/dryer and a linen shelf. The Caboose offers a fully covered front deck with prominent 6×6 posts, sliding glass entryway, and an optional covered rear deck. The Caboose is designed as a 400 Sq Ft home but has the ability to be a modular design.
Area SQFT400